Variant 5 Days 2025
Variant 5 Days will be held in the region of Ravnogor from July 30th to August 3rd!

Variant 5 Days will be held in the region of Ravnogor from July 30th to August 3rd!
Now you can order Event O-top and Headband 7cm with the design of Variant 5 Days 2019. The equipment is made by Sign Sport and is top quality. You can make orders UNTIL 28th of July at – pay and receive it during competitions days at the Event office.
If you need you can check the Measurement chart to decide your size.
Now it is real summer here in Bulgaria so don’t waste your time and if you haven’t yet – plan the perfect summer vacation in mid August at the bottom of the highest peak of Stara planina mountains. The nature is absolutely amazing! You can of course combine the trip with a visit of the Black sea coast or with other places you would enjoy to visit. Check the sightseeing section.
The preparations for our 2nd edition of Variant 5 Days is going well and the maps are almost ready. Here you can take a look at some pieces:
We are ready to welcome you at Rozhen and Smolyan city in Rodopi mountains! Maps and number bibs are printed out. The races are just around the corner and we hope you will enjoy the first edition of Variant 5 Days big time!
Don’t forget to check our Sightseeing section on the webpage: . You may not find everything that might be of your interest in there but still there are plenty of nice places to visit during your stay in the region!
Start lists are published in Information section:
Now you can order Event O-top and Headband 7cm with the design of Variant 5 Days. The equipment is made by Sign Sport and is top quality. You can make orders UNTIL 17th of July at – pay and receive it during competitions days at the Event office.
If you need you can check the Measurement chart to decide your size.
Welcome to the first Variant 5 Days – the only 5 days orienteering event in Bulgaria at the moment. Come and enjoy quality orienteering, good atmosphere and tent camping in the beautiful region of Pamporovo. You will have the opportunity to race also in the 3rd edition of Ultra Relay – 7 legs night and day.